Thursday, July 15, 2010

Yesterday, tonight

Friggin !

Readers. :)

ohh. One more day and imma be at you know where. :)
Went out yesterday, with fyzan, kyz, faiz, and my three lil brothers. Ohh zizie was with us for a while there. :)
we were planning to watch " Street Dance " but then it got delayed. Well, done LOL. -___-"
so we watched " Inception " instead. It's a pretty awesome movie but complicated much, felt so tired just by watching that movie haha. because it made my brain works and i had to think. if you get what i mean.

I went to bed at 10pm and just fall in deep sleep immediately, surprise? i know right? Must be the movies. HAHA`

So, err. butterfly are still dancing in my tummy. I must be pretty nervous about tonight, should i joke around or just show the i-ain-joking face? :D LOLs.

I don't know, it's just everything was pretty well. But i'm now currently quite worried about the team. Mine i meant, i'm just very worry that we're not connected? Not One heart? that's what am worrying about. not that we're not, but i'm just worry we're not. - confused, worried, nervous ( what's this feeling )

Okay, tonight is the BIG NIGHT. do you know? No you don't.

Nah, later imma just stay cool and stable. :) Hopefully.
Know why ? Well, incase people just look down and had some unpleasant idea about me.
So, stay clam and confident.

And hope the gathering later will be Awesome, well and hope that everyone will be cool with me.
And going to talk with the team again, make sure everything is going well.
Cause haha` what i dislike most and want to avoid any bad conflicts and problems. :)

So, imma to my work for now. :D

until next time.


  1. yeah next time shja rui liat cerita step up 3 shja okey kita hangout lagi haha k , KFC??? haha joke have fun tdi ahh and thanks rui for give your time for hangout hehe ::) have a nice day :)

  2. Awww. Yes definitely step up 3. Hehe. Heys nice dp ah. Cam model banar. Btw rui had a great time w u faiz and fyzan. Hope nxt tym zizie and dee dapat ikut jua. Tc boys.

