Sunday, July 11, 2010

eclipse,miri,week plans

Finally ! 

I'm finally back here on PC ! it's beeen days am out in the wild. ahaha` jokes.
Last Friday,  and yes we did watch movie "eclipse" -not bad actually, better than new moon. definitely (:
ahh` totally dig guys who are one-hearted like that guy in the movie. Realize most vampire movies are devoted into one lady only. :D like vampire diaries, twilight. (: <3

Did went down to Miri on saturday. (: and Sunday, yes obedient. :D

Today is Monday, and gosh` i need and have to finished up,prepare,ready my works for Friday ! Save me and pray that everything can go well. (: 
Totally mood killer, when i wanted to buy loads of stuff and my auntie said i surely wont be buying much because nothing much there. -___-" whaatt? First time traveling kali ah` definitely wanna get tons of things back for my friends and family. but @#$%^&*() alright, atleast going there again on SEPT. That, imma buy cloths and stuff as if i'm buying veg. :P

Too much things packed up for me to break it. I just felt lost among all these things. Sighs*
Just wish am able to handle it. (:

Perhaps, tomorrow will be going badminton again with YanShiang. And she's bringing her cousin as well, also might be meeting another person. So, i assumed that it's going to be awesome or the opposite way. Definitely pick "awesome" :D and err. who knows she might bring me on Weds too and again Thursday with another group. Friday with another group. Saturday give me peace and busy packing and here we go Sunday. :D

thats it for today. :)
imma get myself busy now. wonder hows meha? She's taking her driving license. yeaa i know. - WOW. :D me too. LOLs.

till next time.

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