Thursday, July 8, 2010

Quite tired, this week was fullwithactivities.

I'm so tired right now, having hard times getting off my bed. How much i wanted to just sleep in the whole morning. But unfortunately, yea .. 

Probably because of the continuous of activities i had after work for the past 3 days. And definitely, this week is a Chain, because tonight & tomorrow night i still had things to do. Gosh, it's 6 days in a row ! God Bless America, LOLs ! i mean God Bless Me ! That's why i'm so exhausted but remind myself not to sleep late tonight because i'm going to Miri tomorrow morning with my relative. 

Today, i planned on taking a half day off going out with YanShiang & Iting. But errm, something just vanish my fire as i felt nothing and uncertain as well. I felt empty minded as i do not know what to think and what to do, I should take more rest maybe my mind is exhausted as well.

Had a wonderful night yesterday, not to mentioned that i was well fed. :D I didn't skip a meal and i ate more than 3 meals. :D Thank to the wonderful prayer by Georgina, it's really awesome and i hope it does work in me. (; 

Booking Airflight to Manila on Sept, so yeaaa. i probably will be going to Manila on Sept. And definitely Kuala Lumpur on October. And a small activities with the boys perhaps on December to Labuan. Just thank God for the filled activities ahead. As i'm still more concern about next week, be prepared ! :D for myself, pray that it's going to be awesome for everyone.

till here. (:
until next time.


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