Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Everlasting Joy from God.

Hey readers,

Declaring my love to this post beforehand as im going to love this one.

Do you know the time? Its ticking it self to 4am. And yes, i was up the whole night. I tried every possible ways and angle to sleep but i end up here blogging.

How could i ever express how thrilled i am. That my mind was filled with every possible awesome thoughts, ideas and vision.

Here is what am thrilled about. I'm so thrilled about later, movie and pasar malam w tina. About tmr first gathering, about sunday's flight. About next months, prom discussion, sungkai with awesomes, movie w the boys and xiao zy and etc. About sept's flight to manila, sis bday, and the bday suprise plan. Double it, cause im your smile and imma create a wonderful day for 4 of the topest bro and sis in my heart. Im thrilled about oct flight to kl and another sis bday, thrilled about another meeting and the next month my awesome max max bday. Nevertheless, getting my license, more outing w the groups. And dec, wonderful month, labuan w the boys as well.

How can a person ever really expsess the joy she had in her life? Inded, God is good.

I was amazed to receive a beautiful confession of a young man and his admirably courage. I thanked god for this wonderful person.

( To be continued on fri morning. Haha. Dont miss it. )

Okay, i'm back from ...
anyway, i had so much to say the other night but now it's just poooof* forgotten. :D ohh well. :)

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