Saturday, May 31, 2014

thru thick and thin.

Opportunity is everywhere, There's no such things as potential people because those potential ones tends to leave early. This feeling is not new to me, i was disappointed not because of you, but because of myself for trusting you.

something is coming up by end of June. Tho I'm not sure how this would last, but I win giving up. this is life, and these are just test along the way to success !
Success doesn't come in a short way, it comes in a long way.

Those who gone thru the thick and thin with you are those who are worth keeping.
that's all i can say.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

missing my old life

As much as i misses my old life, i still have to strive for reality.
When i look at the path of my life, i realized that .. i have been making decision on my own, being rebellious and only decides on what i believe is right.

do anyone believes in meant to be? to be honest, i am lost in this world again. lost in confusion of what is right and wrong, i no longer hold on to any grip as I'm just a person swaying with the flow. i don't know what is going to happen on the other world, but it would take me to the end of my life to actually see whats the truth. As for this moment, nothing make sense to me.. 

having much thoughts about would i be a successful entrepreneur ? 
my dad was unsuccessful and i wouldn't want to be like him. i want to have an ongoing success that i won't go bankrupt like my father.. 

but being in the business world, it's actually a cruel world. 
they don't give you space even your young, they fear so they do bad stuff. *smirks*


Monday, May 12, 2014

as of today

As of today,

I wouldn't consider that my business is fully developed. we only started for a few months, and after we introduce this new product, more people started to follow our footstep, some have tried exactly what we did and trying to go higher than us. some even bring in higher quality, internationally recognized products and so much more.

its been a very challenging period because over 2 year of my business experience, never have i overcome such dramatic ones, not only having a fairly well known online seller trying to duplicate my works, and after sponsoring one of the social media and had an unsatisfying review, which i am utterly disappointed with his unprofessional action, because as a social media promoter that is not what a advertiser would do, because you leave your honest review upon things you weren't sponsored, otherwise reject that sponsorship deal.

and as of today, having a 40 year old lady stepping on my tail had cause me to be very uncomfortable upon her action because we both knew each other eventho we weren't close, but she should show some respect as i have for her. she should find someone her own age, and not a 21 year old lad.

overall, their behavior and action teaches me a lot, about people who are jealous and definitely people are INCAPABLE of thinking out of the box, so they either "DUPLICATE, BADMOUTH or DO BAD THINGS, just to bring you down. much childish can i say, because definitely I'm at least 10-20 years younger than them. to think about it, it should be quite embarrassing because they are trying to ruin a 21 year old business, i guess they have issue of their own.. Get a Life people ! :)

and leave me alone.

to create a better and greater society, we lift one another UP and not bring one another DOWN.
people like you guys are a bad example and influence to the society. hmmmm...

utterly disappointed.
