Tuesday, July 6, 2010

D' surprise indeeed.

A surprise indeed !

I can't barely knock myself to bed last night. I think i sleep around 3am in the morning.
But i did remember some part of my dreams.

Anyway today was a day like the other. I went to bring a maid to get her blood test with one of my colleague. And after placing the receipt for X-ray into the tray. Someone said " i know you " beside me. Whom i didn't noticed as i came in, and i was shocked to see him there as if i'd almost missed a beat. Gosh, it's like wau" cause i have no idea, no expectation and didn't even thought that we could have met in such a place. Anyway, it's nice to see him doing well, getting fit-er but he commented me getting fatter'  -___-"

Actually i vision about him in my subconscious mind, if you ever know what i mean. :D

Awesome, cause later going with YanShiang again. Badminton <3
wonders what would she comment about my article.

I helped my brothers to create a facebook profile & Jeff is just so adorable, when he mentioned he wanted a blogger too. :D

Was going to watch movie this week, but i don't think we're going to made it. It's just the wrong way to handle it.
Don't understand what's going on with them but i hope everything will be calm. Feels like a rocky trip. :(

until next time xoxo-R

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