Wednesday, June 2, 2010

new stuffies, casual

Hola :)

I believe i did well.
Letting go i said and letting go i did.
Not absolutely tho. but yea :)

so many thoughts i had in my mind last few days.
So i took a pen out and wrote them down, and realize writing a diary is fun :)
and do hope i dont become lazy and stop writing. 

getting new stuffies <3
i realize that i don't want to have a DSLR camera already.
getting a cute mini camera for a change. :D casual <3

Losing fats not weights ! haha`
i dont want to lose weight but fats are still there hanging ego-ishly.
hey Fats ! you dont belong to me so stop sticking around. kekeke ~

Awesome babydoll got new ideas for her awesome script <3
about me about you about the L O V E hehe ~
can't wait !
Misses babyfat sis. who is currently no where to be found in land of Brunei Darussalam.

Countdown till Nov <3 month of love. :P

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