Sunday, June 27, 2010

Jul's coming, 90210 dissapointing

Had a weird dream just now. I got scolded by my boss ( auntie ) which is so.... (not very scary)
but` in my house, nothing i say is right. They're always right even they're obviously wrong, ( talk about being right huh ? ). So, better just shut my mouth in whatever the circumstances may be.

Sleepless night !
I find myself having insomnia again, like before. Wonders what's up with me again this time.
and when i can't sleep at night. i go onlineeee. -____-"

I bought 90210 sudah. Well, i'm not enjoying much. They look youngg. Am i not into teenage movie now?
I bought the original one instead the duplicated one cause i rather pay more to have a better movie collection.
I actually regretted that i bought that movie with such a dissatisfying result.
Rather buy " Gossip Girl & How i Met your Mother "
Forget it, hope i'll love it when i finished 90210.

Let me see, July is just 2 days away.
July's quite packed up. :D at least i got things to do.
But errmm. something is coming up on the 3rd week of Jul.
Hope i could work things out well.

God Bless me, and blesses you.
May everyday be awesome for you. :D

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