Saturday, June 26, 2010

Awesome meeting and people

Insomnia ! 3.09am sudah. Tapi aku masih tak dapat tidur.

Last night memang awesome lah. R meet meha, hasanah, marilyn, yati, catherine and hani. ( Ingat semua ) 'tepuk tngan' hahaha.
Btw its coool. Love the conversation. They are really great, a blessed to know them.

Also tengah malam ne. Due to over hyper and happpy caused insomnia. Heee.

Chat with abang al tadi. Really miss that awesome dude whom just got back from sg.

And chat with two awesome bros. Bro fyzan and kyz. But I bet fyzan fall asleep while we were chatting. As usual. Haha.

And lots more fun. Would just pray that everything goes well.

Everyday has been difficult for everyone despite the trials and obstacles to overcome. I hope everyone that I cared would stay strong in handling all the tests. Amen !

Love you all.
Love my awesome bro and sis.
And love edwestwick (for the mean time) haha. Paaaans.


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