Monday, June 28, 2010

a guy at bank, my lovely brothers

Jul's ! will you be my love. :D

Yesterday` i went to the bank. and i saw this guy, whom approaches us and asked whether would we want to use other services. I didn't see that one coming, but i know i did stared at him. Cause i seen him before, i think it took me like 30 second to recall where i seen him before.
brain getting slower to respond, something wrong perhaps.

When i was young, it's been really hard for me to take care my 3 wildest monkey brother. I had to shout like H*** !!
Scream and everything to the worst of me had been revealed. And i thought when they grew up, i would surrender myself to the Mental Hospital. But last night, they were quite adorable when i'm so tired that all i can do is lie down, they gathered in front of my bed and can't stop talking and asking and talking and talking. They even want to play Hide and seek in the dark.
It's really cute. :D i hope i could have the ability to give them the proper guidance my parents failed to give us.
no parents were ever made perfect, they're human too. So, i do not blame but at least be an adult. but apparently, everyone's a Child.

90210 is getting better, guess i will enjoy the first season. :)

everyday has been a blessed. especially those wonderful people God has brought us together to do something wonderful.
I thanked God, for He brought the perfect people to me. :)

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