Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The word Awesome comes from? HIMYM

Awesome !

I started to collect Movie Series, ever since i'm working.
That's a LIE !
but i did get more after i got this job to support my budget.
First, i watched " Heroes " it's really an awesome movie. well, actually brilliant !

A friend of mine intro "How i Met your Mother" & that's gonna be my ALL time Fav Movie.
Even my Little Brothers Love it. 
He even asked as if i could ever bring him to meet TED ! -___-" 
cute actually. ;D

And because of that movie, i started to say the word " Awesome " every now and then.
Barney influenced me, :P && i just Read his Blog` it's epic awesome ! ;P
His just simple WAU !

Actually i planned on something stupid. Well, that's so ME !
But i better think twice ( maybe more than twice ) why should i take such unnecessary action ?
In the end, i might not be able to do it. :D future who knows <3 

Back to why i talked about Awesome ! (:
i always watched CHUCK and they all called his sister's fiancee Capt.Awesome.
and address his family the Awesomes' (:
soundddddd Awesome indeed. 
so yeaaaa` made up a Awesome family on my own. <3 let it groww.

Things you need to learn in life,

. Sometimes, you just need to let go that ego you've been holding on just to show that your not weak. 
[Fact,] Humans are weak well emotionally. so dont hide, or just Hide it and you'll lose it.

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