Monday, May 24, 2010

fill up thoughts; past, ain the same, hidden identity

Fill up thoughts.

recently found out something, which am not sure of too.
Imagine life without all the cities and cars. Just simple you and me, at a small village enjoying the wonders of life and nature.A dream will always be a dream, 
the wonderful-ness of everything will always fade once you woke up. 

We had make things so hard for the outside, but realize that it all began from within.

am a very sensitive person, sorry to mention.
but not in all matter, mostly it's related to the past. A lot of unsolved feelings remained, unsolved misunderstandings.
anyway, quite upset at the moment. i just hope when we ever meet. Show me that Smile so that i know everything is alright. and we can always start over again. :) 

Will we ever be the same,

Will we ever be the same ? After all what we've been through, is there any " start over " again thing?
They say time, well i think time is just a way when both of us tries to go on with our lifes, filling ourselves with other activities and other new memories to draw a distance of time between each other. 
But does that mean we've change how we ever felt for each other ? Actually no, :)

1st we spend most of our time together, the laughter and smiles we shared. 
Therefore, memories we hold are mutual. :) but when we were brought apart, we used time and fill ourself with other things to avoid thinking and feel about the past. 
Sometimes, it's not that easy when the pain aches in our heart reminding about what causes it.
But still it's just the matter of time, when our life are filled with more memories that aren't related to each other. and sooner, we learned to live without each other.

will we ever be the same ? is there any " start over "
there's always this feeling inside reminding about the old times, and when we crossed each other. do you think as i do ? cause i'm thinking ' are you alright ? ready for a new start ? do you still mind about the past '

But thank God, you smiled to me like you used to.
it's like telling me that
 ' everything's alright, let's forget the history we made before and start a new one '

you cannot HIDE who you really are inside. :)

yes ! and i think it's so true. 
Sometimes, people did things because they thought it's the Right and better to. But is that really who you are ?
No` sometimes, you just did it because you think you had to. Someday, you will mis reveal your true identity
 ( superman ) HAHA !

someone left me :(
they left me because well, they got what they wanted. and things that they show me before we all fake, it's just because they wanted something and they need comfort so here they come to find comfort. When they got what they wanted, they freaking forgot about you because they were all eyes on the GOLD lols. and your not the Gold, your just the silver behind the gold! buuu youu.

ahh! i dislike those people, you weren't real. but i know youu! 
you didnt realize who you really are, your just lost your ways because your all messed up about it. and so you grab on anything you found when your drowning in the ocean. and so. :) i don't really dislike you, just that don't step in front of my door already. :)

People can change when they meet gratitude and appreciation.
altho you don't know what are they at first, but people finds it when they gone thru hardtimes and meet light.
just like you, you meet light but you haven meet those two things. :) 
so don't expect that without those two you come down knocking my door. cause you've turn me down in my face sudah. But whenever your facing real hardtimes, i could never not lend you a hand. but your no longer someone i wanted to know more. :)

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