Picture taken today – 24.o9.2o11
It was indeed a slow slow day, as mentioned from my facebook status this morning, i had a nice morning walk – the usual me would be hoping on and off the car and parked my car but this time, i was blessed with the opportunity to walk this walk and as i was walking, the sense of the newly trim grass smells so refresh! i looked up to the sky and appreciate the nature.
Taking time for myself, i took more time to check the floor. As well as taking this opportunity to slow down my thoughts and reflect myself. I enjoyed time alone, because i was able to stand out of my comfort zone and explore the day with more aware ness rather than just sitting down.
Today i would like to share my life with this 2 musketeers.
About that Guy there, His Ad Musa – a crazy yellow dude just like me, knew him for the past 7-8months now and life has brought us as close as brothers and sisters. Believe it or not, we dont really need to say much to understand what the others is trying to say. Even tho during times when we quarrels, they never really reached 30mins :D we just get along with each other naturally.
That chick over there, She’s Diza Samad and she’s Hell of a BBS ! :D I met her like 2-3 months ago, and truth is we had our up and downs together already. Life attracts us to be close friends as fast as possible, but i just wanna tell the universe that ‘you gotta slow down dude’ cause slow is fast :) Tho we just knew each other for few months, not even a FULL 3 whole months but in fact she’s the first friend that expressed her interested to know more about me.
Somehow, while we were having lunch. i sensed that these moment will not last forever and we all know that they never really did. words are still words, people do change when life bring us further apart. Because when we walk in different path, your journey starts :) like a whole new beginning. And therefore i came to a realization that we should forget the ‘previous’ moment as it had already passed, the ‘next’ moment is beyond our control therefore we shall appreciate and own ‘this’ very moment. Cherish and appreciate what you have before it’s Gone.
So to my musketeers, i know that no matter what I'll still be receiving the never-ending love and care from you guys. Regardless of the whenever and wherever, they’re never part of the problem or excuse to stop those overflowing love around me. And here i would like to appreciate you guys to be part of my life, no doubt that you guys taught me alot and my life meant more because of you.
For Ad, thanks for being my best friend, someone whom – wow, felt so comfortable with like to me your a chick and to you I'm a dude LOLS! but thanks for being such a bitch, and lastly thanks for being such a brother to me. your definitely a lucky bitch !
For Diza, thanks for being my Good friend, thanks for accepting me for who i am with less judgments and the idea of you treating me like a little sister is just sweet :) thanks for all the love and care, thank you for being yourself when your with us and me :) thank you for the trust and the awesome teamwork, you were there willing to support me and thank you as you slowly open up more of yourself to us.
itsruismers life with musketeers, my life has officially increase it’s awesome ness.
All for One, One for All – the 3 Musketeers.
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