Thursday, July 8, 2010

confession of a broken hearted girl

If i knew i would avoid and stop myself from knowing, but out of the blue i came across a blog and once again i met your smile. It felt like as if my heart is bleeding literally, and i scroll down staring at every picture that you hang your smiles on. but they weren't for me. 

confession of a broken hearted little girl. ;C

Sadly, my tension increase to find out more about what i missed. And indeed my request was answered and for what i found certainly dropped my mood for the day.
I was well for almost a month not knowing anything related to you. But now that when i knew something it could break me in such a way.

I found out what i should be aware of and getting you off my world would be the best decision ever, because your pain to me. The closer i bring you near to me, the moment my heart feels like dying.

Yes, i have some issue but your pretty messed up too.
Neither do you know me, so don't ever guess me out as what you read, what you know and heard.
You'll never know, because your not my heart.

I pray May God heal my pain, replace these wounded heart with tender love. I really need it. 

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