Tuesday, June 29, 2010

badminton,my name,good july

Yesterday, beeen busy working with some work which i was committed to do. paaans. hehe`
but yesterday was not as i expected, because i assumed that i would be with my lovely TV in the night but instead i was out with YanShiang. I don't understand why but i didn't manage to saw her msg that she was coming.

So, yea` we went to play Badminton. and gosh` am i great. i haven been sweating like that for months !
I'm like a water pipe leaking and then i miss gym and the peoples. 
Thanks again to Yanshiang. (: beeeen a great sister.

and guess what, tonight, tomorrow night, saturday, sunday ! am filled up with so much activities. (:
next week ! yeaaa. would be same as this weeeek` busy nights. then wau, seriously am so excited with the upcoming next two week. Meeting all those people, hope am so ready that they won't have to light any judgement on this kid.

I'm having hard time telling people my name. Pls say " ruiiii" is it so hard to pronounce? Noooo` 
so i've beeeeen thinking of a new nick name and i can't think of any ! nothing i loikee`
Probably next time i would just say "hey,my name is rui "   " whatt? rr.. "  " errr, you can call me anything you want "

Really looking forward to everyweek` everyweek has beeen planned out awesome-ly.
Would just pray in the night, and pray before sunrise ( joke )
But yeaa` Hope Everything will go on well in God's will.

I'm really thankful for the people i know which relates to the future plan we're going to have.
Everything is a blessing. (: Can't express how awesome i am now, but it's really awesome.

And i hope the people i cared, the awesome family member would be doing great each day as i am too.
Misses them & we'll meeeet sooon. <3

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